Shows, Concerts & Sports Activities in Hobbiton, Matamata, Matamata-Piako, New Zealand. Hobbiton, Matamata, Matamata-Piako, NZ Shows, Concerts & Sports. |
Hobbiton - Matamata Shows, Concerts & Sports
Activity Locations
Activity Types
Activity Listings (1-9 of 9) |
Movie Tour - Auckland - Starting from $1200.00 per person
Escape the winter chill and join us for an evening in the Shire™… With a warming mulled wine in hand, relax by the roaring fire inside the Green Dragon™ Inn before enjoying a feast fit for a Hobbit™. Hobbiton Movie Set will be holding a special four hour celebration of winter on Friday 6th July 2018. Hobbiton is an experience to tantalise the senses, as guests find themselves engulfed in the sights, smells, sounds and tastes of the Shire, at the home of the Hobbits, as featured in The... More... |
Multi-day Tour - Te Anau - Starting from $3034.81 per person
Arrive at Auckland Airport on Day 1, transfer to your accommodation and settle in. Visit the Waitomo Caves on Day 2 to marvel at shimmering glow worms. Set foot on the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movie sets on Day 3. Visit Taupo on Day 4 and Napier on Days 5-6 for a fun-filled wine-tasting afternoon. Continue your trip to Wellington on Days 7-8 with free time to explore the city. Arrive to Nelson on Days 9-10 for a relaxing sailing trip on the pristine waters of the Abel Tasman followed by a... More... |
Maori - Hinuera - Starting from $289.00 per person
Join us on this popular small group excursioin to Rotorua 's Scenic Wonderland see bubbling Mud pools and erupting Geysers plus experience a Maori Cultural performance. Then onto Hobbiton the Lord of The Rings movie set location, enjoy a 2 Hour fully guided Tour of the set location then retail therapy in the extensive gift store .Time permitting will also visit a Kiwifruit Orchard for tasting, Okere falls watch river rafting and Mossops Honey centre. More... |
Movie Tour - Auckland - Starting from $570.00 per person
Experience Hobbiton Movie Set as you have never seen it before with a guided tour through The Shire at dusk. The tour includes a complimentary beverage in The Green Drago Inn followed by a banquet feast fit for a Hobbit. The tables will be heaving with traditional Hobbit fayre and, as is the tradition in the Shire, second helpings are encouraged. Tour includes private VIP Luxurious transport from Auckland. Small group tour with a maximum of 12 travelers. More... |
Maori - Hinuera - Starting from $165.00 per person
The care and attention we take to assure our guests have a wonderful,fulfilling day tour with us.
We will take great care of them and hope to become lifelong friends. More... |
Movie Tour - Auckland - Starting from $649.00 per person
To celebrate summer Hobbiton Movie Set™ will be holding a special four hour summer harvest festival to commemorate on Saturday 27th January 2018. This is a special one-day event for the fans! Upon arrival at the Hobbiton Movie Set, you and your fellow Hobbiton fans will enjoy Bilbo Baggins’ house, the mill, and the party tree, among other recognizable landmarks while going through the Movie Set on a walking tour at dusk. The guests will then be invited to the market place to experience a... More... |
Maori - Hinuera - Starting from $430.00 per person
This tour will cover the hobbiton village where was the 'film' shooting location of the Lord of the rings, and the hobbit. This village is located at Matamata, 2 hours to south from Auckland. After this village, you will visit the glowwarm cave at Waitomo.There is as much to see and experience above ground as there is below. Enjoy good cafes and walks as well as natural wonders inclduing the beautiful Marokopa Falls and limestone Mangapohue bridge. A walkway beginning near the Waitomo Museum... More... |
Day Tour - Auckland - Starting from $530.00 per person
To celebrate International Hobbit Day on the 22nd of September 2018, Hobbiton™ Movie Set will be holding a special event to commemorate the day. Upon arrival at the Hobbiton Movie Set, you and your fellow Hobbiton fans will enjoy Bilbo Baggins’ house, the mill, and the party tree, among other recognizable landmarks while going through the Movie Set on a walking tour at dusk. The guests will then be invited to the special event area created for Hobbit Day featuring market place to... More... |
Chinese New Year - Auckland - Starting from $470.00 per person
在夏尔欢庆中国新年 喜迎中国新年,霍比屯电影拍摄基地将于2018年2月15日举办时长四小时的特别欢庆盛宴。 在中文向导的带领下,黄昏中的中土世界将以一个前所未有的姿态展现在游客眼前,给予游客视觉、嗅觉、听觉、味觉上的全方位的感官盛宴,身临其境电影巨作《指环王》和《霍比特人》三部曲中的如诗如画的夏尔。您的中文向导将会全程陪同您游览这片占地12英亩的霍比屯电影拍摄基地,并为您还原场地修建和电影拍摄时发生的引人入胜的故事与细节。 捧上你的酒杯,漫步于熙熙攘攘的夜市里,穿梭于风格各异的货摊间,沉溺于异彩纷呈的杂耍中。传统风味的本地奶酪,新鲜出炉的手工面包,香味浓郁的腌肉熏鱼,自家耕作的爽口蔬果,尽情体验舌尖上的中土世界。 亦或,入乡随俗当个霍比特人,呼朋唤友齐聚绿龙酒馆,在温暖的壁炉前畅谈今天所见的奇闻异事。更有霍比屯独家自酿的南方啤酒系列供您选择,传统风味的英式啤酒、琥珀棕色啤酒、桶装式苹果酒、以及不含酒精的手工姜汁汽水。 当然,热情的霍比特人可不会让你饿着肚子,他们早已装饰好绿龙酒馆和宴会帐篷中的自助餐桌等你到来,吃完记得再点第二份。 晚餐结束后,拎着灯... More... |
Poplar Creek B&B - Bed and Breakfast. Featuring air-conditioned accommodation with a patio, Poplar Creek B&B is located in Matamata. Set 18 km from Hobbiton...
Hobbiton, Rotorua and Waitomo Caves Day Trip - Day Tour - Auckland. Starting from $440.00 per person. Experience this exciting tour including Hobbiton which is perfect for anyone looking to add a little fantasy to their...